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FEBRUARY 18, 2010 @ 7:30-9PM


Sustainable Energy Commission meeting was called to order at 7:32pm by Chairperson, Dan Holmes.


  • Member(s) of the Commission:
       Dan Holmes- Chairman
       Kathleen Quinn- Commission Member
       Ben Roberts- Commission Member
       Fred Hurley- Town Engineer
       Terrance Ford- Commission Member

  • Member(s) of the Public:
       Kirk Blanchard
       Barbara Donahue


  • Connecticut Clean Energy Fund conducted a Clean Energy Community Regional Workshop at the Easton Public Library on January 27 which Kathy attended.
         CEF spoke about the latest as far as:
            -Which towns signed up for residential clean energy purchase.
            -Different idea’s about how to go about sign-ups.
            -Emphasized changing providers in conjunction with signing up for clean
              energy to offset any additional costs.
            -Terrance mentioned that people can go to the CL&P or UI website and sign
               up under ‘Going Green’.
            -Have to modify what website says for commission use. Need to change the
              website and direct people to Community Energy Inc. and not Sterling Planet.
            -Need to figure out a way for people to sign-up through the Commission
              website so that Newtown gets the points for Clean Energy sign-up support.
            -Made a 60 second presentation on key points to emphasize.
         Had representatives from both utility companies.
            -UI made a presentation on residential home energy solutions that are offered.
                  -Fee to participate is $75 & they have providers that will go in and evaluate
                    for home energy, recommend additional things that can be done, receive
                    credits for energy saving appliances, and additional discounts for insulation
                    if individuals have electric/gas/natural oil.
                       ***Need to promote this program within the town.
                  -Company will also come in and replace bulbs, weather stripping, calking the
                     pipes, etc all included in the $75 fee.
                  -CL&P/UI subcontract out and already have teams as part of the ‘green job’
                     program. Just need to call company and set up an appointment.
                       ***Barbara Donahue stated that CL&P is not setting up appointments in
                              order to encourage people to go on the website where they have a list
                              of companies.  Also, mentioned that Public Power & Utilities will stay
                              below the cost of CL&P/UI.
                  -Commission should market this as a package. How?
                          *Web based
                          *Through the schools
                          *Possibly send out with the tax bills since it is a non-profit service.
                             Program needs to be promoted, and will reach everyone in tax bills.
                          *Website needs to concur with flyer sent out.
               Financing options for municipalities’ seminar: ½ day seminar on Tuesday,
                  February 23, 2010 in Berlin @ the NE Utility Auditorium.
               Elected Officials & members of a Task Force: Municipal summit on climate
                  change actions on Saturday, March 13, 2010 @ Yale.
  • Rodger Smith put together and submitted a home energy resource sheet.
                List of different websites people can go to as far as what is available;
                  Efficiency programs, lighting & appliances, CT housing investment funds,
               List needs to be posted on website (
  Earth Day:
  • Commission needs to start promoting Earth Day.
  • Earth Day will be held on April 24, 2010 @ the Newtown Middle School.
  • Need to talk to Pat Llodra about how the event is being sponsored.
         Previously this was a Task Force sponsored event.
         Need to have a discussion on whether or not keeping the event tied to the
          Currently Earth Day is not registered as a non-for-profit.
         Earth Day was a success last year with a turn out of about (50) vendors &
            about (600) people.

   Stout Invoice:

  • Commission needs to get Stout invoice paid off. Invoice is from when David Stout conducted the website maintenance for the Energy Task Force.
         Can pay month to month with an average payment of $12. But commission
            would like to get the invoice paid off as soon as possible.
  • Since commission as of January need to get town on board as far as hosting the website.
  • Need to talk to Scott Sharlow about getting links on the town website directing people to the Commission’s website (
         Commission needs to maintain website & designate (1) gatekeeper to stay in
            contact with Scott Sharlow.
         Kathy will be in charge of the website & will contact Scott.

  Acceptance of Minutes: January 21, 2010

  • Revise where it states an increase in the electrical budget.
         Should state a 10% decrease in the electrical budget.
  • Remove that NRG Inc. donated $10,000 to the town for additional tree planting as it is not accurate.
  • Revise where it states commission contributed $16,000 worth of clean energy.
         The commission purchased $16,000 worth of clean energy.
  • Moved to accept minutes by Dan Holmes.
         Mindy will make revisions and submit a revised copy of the minutes to the
             Town Clerk’s Office.

  Public Comment:

  • Kirk Blanchard
          A member & officer of the Dodgingtown Fire Company.
          Fire Department is scheduled to get a new boiler this year.
            -At this point would like to take the opportunity to switch from fuel oil to
              natural gas.
            -Natural gas line runs down the street right in front of the firehouse.
            -Feels it is a much cleaner energy, cleaner emissions, will help clear storage  
               problems & delivery problems associated with fuel.
            -Has a copy of the proposal from Yankee Gas in terms of cost and
             -Fire Department has discussed this issue with the fire commission and they
               aren’t to keen on the idea.
            -Basically, came to meeting to see if commission gets involved in those types
               of purchasing decisions for the town.
            -Gas is more efficient, less maintainence, less expensive, & more
               environmentally friendly.
             -Commission can submit a letter to the fire commission on their stance
               pertaining to switching fuels.
             -Commission does agree on the matter & requested Kirk leave a copy of the
               Yankee Gas proposal to review.
          Fred Hurley mentioned that the new municipal building is heated by gas since
             it is more environmentally friendly which creates less of a liability for the
            -Town has had (2) major oil spills that still creates environmental problems.
            -Can no longer purchase environmental insurance. Switching to natural gas
               can possibly prevent an additional cost for the town.
         Firehouse used about 2,400 gallons last year which is about $5,000/year.
            -Yankee Gas is supplier, but can use different providers.
            -Towns provider is Hesse which was a group purchase.
  • Barbara Donahue
         Came to meeting to get some insight on the commission.
            -One commission with lots of various projects to review and accomplish.
            -Structuring sub-committee’s
                  **For people who want to get involved, but are unable to join the
                 **Charter is very broad. Going to need people to concentrate on certain
         Runs her own home energy efficiency business in Newtown.

   New Members:

  • Fred Hurley has not yet spoken to Pat Llodra regarding any new sign-ups.
  • Terrance Ford (present) was a member of the Clean Energy Task Force & would like to be part of new commission.
         Verified with Sue Marcinek.
         Just needs to be sworn in again with the Town Clerk’s because of the title
            change from a task force to a commission.

   Block Grant:

  • Town received a $102,573 Federal Grant from the state.
  • (3) approved items:
  • Street light renovating (LED’S)
  • Higher a consultant to study the feasibility & create a developmental plan to convert to town’s fleet to natural gas.
  • High consultant help in order to get guaranteed energy projects where vendors come in and do projects for the town.
**Also, developing third party sources for energy.
  • Analysis for wind power
         Town currently does not have a wind energy policy.
         Looking at an ordinance out of New Jersey & trying to implement.
         Looking for a town energy ordinance.
            -A review for the use of an implementation on the town end for renewable
               power, specifically wind power.
            -The state wants that identified as part of the towns plan going forward for
               sustainable energy.
         For grant purposes state wants the towns plan to use wind power & show
            energy potential.
          Possible wind farms in certain zones, but needs to be addressed with Planning
            & Zoning.
         Wind speeds in Newtown would not support huge windmills.
            -Would have to use small wind turbines.
            -Urban wind turbines.
  • Barbara Donahue wanted to know if the town has looked into hydro.
         Town does have small hydro projects lined up with water & sewer authorities.
             If town is successful will be primer for other uses in town.
         Town has most efficient use of generated power.
         Would the town have a problem with sewage & water overflow?
            -Newtown drainage systems are separate unlike some cities that have
              combined sewer & storm flow which causes an overflow.
            -Our catch basins direct water to streams & such.
  • Grant has been officially received by the Town of Newtown.
         Grant has very specific timeline.
         Between now and the next meeting commission should take a look @ grant in
            terms of RFP’s that need to go out for the consulting pieces.
          Work also needs to be done on the spec for LED’s
            -Ben stated with LED’s it is very important to keep LED’s cool for proper
               functioning & longevity. They do not last long and are not has bright if they
               get too hot.
            -CL&P is offering a rebate of up to 50% for LED’s
            -Sylvania & Philips are the (2) main companies that have made presentations
              to the town already.
         Wind projects were taken out of town charter, but commission can still
             develop as a town wide strategy.
          Project amounts:
            -$20,000 for consulting (tried to get reduced)
            -$15,000 for fleet conversion
            -$67,573 for LED conversion
         Fred Hurley suggested that commission should get together and figure out a
             strategy to act upon, as well as create a proposal.
             -Energy project (Consulting)
         Timeline on getting decisions made:
            -Contract talks about tasks being completed in (4) weeks, (6) weeks, & (8)
            ***Grant has very specific timeline.
            -Any decisions made in the town made will come back to commission to see
               if revisions need to be made.
         Members of commission should attend meetings for vendors.
         When bidding out for architectural & engineering services when construction
              is involved anything over $2,000 needs to go out to public bid. If town
              doesn’t get at least (3) offers have to publically bid it a second time.
            -Not as restrictive for professional services.
          For LED’s lamp posts do not have to be replaces just the bulbs which makes
             it much more affordable.
          What is time frame on electrical?
            -March 8, 2010 is the return date on RFP’s.
            -Town uses roughly between 3-6 million kilowatts/yr.
             -There is a clause in the contract stating that a copy of the proposed electrical
               supply agreement must be included in proposals in order to know what is to
               be expected on bill.

  Meeting with Pat Llodra:

  • Everything above regarding the electrical contract was discussed at the meeting.
  • Terrace Ford brought up having a gas turbine in Fairfield Hills to generate electricity.
               This way town will not have to purchase additional electricity.
   Doesn’t take up a lot of space & easy maintenance.
    Fairfield University has a gas powered wind turbine.
   Can also run turbine year round because it has combined heating & cooling.

  Community Energy:

  • Contract is up & commission has to finish paperwork.
  • Town goes with Community Energy Inc. not Sterling Associates.
  • Commission needs a new contract.
         Kathy Quinn spoke to Mark from Community Energy & he said commission
             could go with figures from last year.
         Also, less expensive this year with National Wind.
         Need to decide if commission is going to continue with National Wind &
             have them draw up a contract.
         Fred Hurley stated that the First Selectman needs to sign off on all contracts.

  350. ORG
  • Ben Roberts brought up this organization and explained what their mission is.
        Promoting getting CO2 levels down to 350 parts per million.
        Encouraging municipalities to adopt resolution endorsing.
         Promoting being part of educational curriculum in towns.
        Barbara Donahue mentioned EESmarts out of Orange, CT.
            -Put together curriculums for K-12, give presentations, teach the teachers on
              going green.

  Next Meeting Date:

  • The Sustainable Energy Commission will meet again on, March 18, 2010 @ 7:30pm in the shared meeting room next to the First Selectman’s Office.

  Sustainable Energy Commission meeting was adjourned at 9:02pm by  
       Chairperson, Daniel Holmes.